HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit! Parts 1 & 2:
During their two 60 min., interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
- Pt. 1: Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: development of vitamins & drugs.
- The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease.
- Pt. 1: Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines.
- Pt. 2: Healing Spirit: How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. What this all tells us of what happens when we die & Why we are HERE!
- Mary will give a clearing/healing meditation at the conclusion !
Dr. Dave DiSano & Mary ‘Divine’ DiSano are authors of Divinely Touched: Transform Your Life (2011& 2022), a true-life story of Mary’s healing journey through the medical, New Age and Metaphysical worlds. They have toured internationally, been on national radio and TV shows and featured speakers at Holistic Expos. Mary has degrees in medical technology, and healing techniques of Reflexology, Reiki, and Reconnective Healing. She is a Metaphysical practitioner, Energy Healer and motivational speaker. Her healings have been described as “miraculous!” Dave DiSano, Ph.D. is a psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and also author of Holistic Mental Health-Revised(2009 & 2023) that compares alternative therapies to traditional medications for mental disorders.
Workshop: At Joanne’s Nutrition World,
466 SW Port St Lucie Blvd Suite 113 Port St Lucie, 772-380-6467 Part 1 : Wed. 1/22/25 at 6:00 pm ~ Part 2: Wed. 1/29/25 at 6:00pm$ 10.00 per session or $15.00 for both! (seating limited call for res.)
Workshop ALSO at Psychic & The Genie : 313 Colorado Blvd., Stuart, FL
Part 1: Tuesday 2/4/25, Pt. 2 on Tues. 3/04/25 6 to 7:00 pm $20.00 per session call for reservation: 772-678-6170
SPIRITFEST this year in West Palm Beach, FL (March 22-23/25), ~ Melbourne, FL (May 17-18/25) and Punta Gorda, FL (Aug. 9-10/25) see us present Proof The Spirit Dimension Exists & Its Affect On Your Life! on Sat. at 4:00) ….Mary will conduct mini-Reconnective/ Divine Healings ($35.00/ 20 min.) & and our books will be available at discount prices ($9.99) !!! see also www.spiritfestusa.com
International Impact Book Awards has just announced that Divinely Touched-2nd Ed. has won for Best Spiritual Awakening & Personal Growth book for 2024!!!
************* PAST EVENTS ******************
at 466 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL from 12:00 to 3:00pm
our books will be on sale and Mary will discuss her Reconnective Healing!!!
SPIRITFEST this year in St. Petersburg, FL (Jan. 20-21/24), West Palm Beach, (Feb. 10-11/24), Punta Gorda on (June 8-9) ~ Melbourne (Aug. 3-4) see us present Connecting to Your Divine Signs: How To Be More Psychic! on Sat. at 1:00) ….Mary will conduct mini-Reconnective/ Divine Healings ($35.00/ 20 min.) & and our books will be available at discount prices ($9.99) !!! see also www.spiritfestusa.com
116 Ave. A. Fort Pierce, FL Sun, 4/21/24 4:30 to 8:30 pm
Mary will be doing Mini-Reconnective Healing Sessions and our books will be sale at discounted price of $9.99!!!
On Wed. April 17, 2024 at 6:30 to 8:00 pm for:
HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit!
During their 90 min., interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: dev. of vitamins & drugs.
The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer). GMOs what they are and Why They are bad. Guidelines for Optimal health!
Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines. Alternative healing therapies and demos.
Healing Spirit: How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life!
DIVINE SOUL WELLNESS CENTER, $20. pp reservations sug. call 954-646-4374
Join us at:
On Sat. Feb. 17, 2024 at 12:00 to 1:30 pm for:
HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit!
During their 90 min., interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: dev. of vitamins & drugs.
The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer). GMOs what they are and Why They are bad. Guidelines for Optimal health!
Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines. Alternative healing therapies and demos.
Healing Spirit: How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life!
Mary will also be available for mini-Healings from 1:30 to 4:30 (30 min. sessions at a discount price of $40.00).
1789 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach, FL 772-257-6499 (seminar fee $20.00 pp, reservations rec.)
October 2023:
ENTITY POSSESSION: History, Symptoms & Solutions!
Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss the historical data, current research and personal experience in a power-point presentation, discussing:
The historical data and current research on Entity Possession.
The physical and mental symptoms of Entity Possession.
Ways to clear negative energy from entities.
Mary’s personal experience of living through Entity Possession and how she was healed and cleared of negative energies! Mary will conduct a clearing prayer at the conclusion of the workshop.
Join us at The Scented Dragon (6991 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie, FL) on Sat. Oct. 7 at 4:00pm ($10.00pp)
AT: SPIRITFEST, Port St. Lucie (Port St. Lucie Event Center, rte. 1, Port St. Lucie) on Sat. Oct. 14.
ON: Friday 10/28 at 6:30 pm at Jamar’s Enlightenment Center (4595 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens) ($15.00pp).
They will also be presenting their Connecting To Your Divine Signs / How to be More Psychic! seminar on Thursday 10/19 at 6:30 pm at Divine Soul Wellness (2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, $15.00pp).
Join us at SPIRIT Well Sensory Lounge on Wed. July 19, 2023 at 6:00pm for:
Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! ($15.00 pp register at: spiritwellsensorylounge.com) 872 s. Colorado Ave., Stuart, FL
Also Presenting Proof The Spirit Dimension Exists at SPIRITFEST Melbourne (Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. ) Sat. Aug. 5; 1:00 pm and at
The Scented Dragon, Rte. 1, Port St. Lucie, FL on Sat. Aug. 12, 4:00 pm.
Join Us at:
SPIRIT Well Sensory Lounge on Wed. Aug. 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm for:
HEALING: Body, & Mind !
During their 60 min., interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: dev. of vitamins & drugs. The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer). GMOs what they are and Why They are bad. Guidelines for Optimal health!
Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines. Alternative healing therapies and demos.
Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop.
workshop fee: $15.00
Sat. Sept. 23, 2023 at 1:00 pm: Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. at SPIRITWELL Sensory Lounge, 872 S. Colorado Ave. Stuart, FL see www.spiritsensorylounge.com to reserve! ($15.00pp).
Look for us at SPIRITFEST this year in Melbourne, (Aug. 5-6) ~ Punta Gorda on Sept. 16-17, (Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists on Sat. at 12:00) and Port St. Lucie on Oct. 14-15, 2023….Mary will conduct mini-Reconnective/ Divine Healings ($30.00/ 20 min.) & and our books will be available at discount prices ($9.99) !!!
Join Us Sat. Feb. 4, 2023, 2:00pm
at: The Third Eye Mystic Shop,
6230 W. Indiantown Rd., Jupiter, FL
HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit!
During their 90min., interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: dev. of vitamins & drugs. The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer). GMOs what they are and Why They are bad. Guidelines for Optimal health!
Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines. Alternative healing therapies and demos.
Healing Spirit: How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop.
workshop fee: $20.00
Join us at SPIRITFEST Orlando (9/10 &11/2022) and SPIRITFEST, Port St. Lucie (10/15 & 10/16/22)
- Mary will conduct mini-Reconnective healings ($30.00),
- Our books will be available!
- & we will be featured speakers ON: Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life!
During the pandemic (2020-21) Mary continued to have miraculous results using her distance healing.
In 2022 we moved our office to Port St. Lucie, FL for in-person sessions!
Previous Shows/ Events: ***
Sat. Oct. 12, 2019 on the
Paranormal talk Radio show !
as we discuss
Proof the Spirit Dimension is Real
& Entity Possession !
go to: blogtalkradio.com/paranormaltalk2
call in: 657.383.1555
Workshops at GREENLANDS Health & Wellness,
2000 North Federal Hwy, Delray Beach, FL 33483
All Sessions FREE (or donations) Sundays 2:00 to 3:00 pm.
NEW Dates:
Session 1: Oct. 13, Session 2: Oct. 20,
Session 3: Oct. 27, 2019.
HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit!
During their 3- 1-hour, interactive power-point presentations, Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research (history & data) and personal experience on:
Session 1: Healing Body: Brief history of biochemistry: dev. of vitamins & drugs.
The safety of alternatives compared to that of pharmaceuticals. What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.” Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer). GMOs what they are and Why They are bad. Guidelines for Optimal health!
Session 2: Healing Mind: Excerpts from Dr. Dave’s Holistic Mental Health. Research on alternatives for mental disorders. Natural cures for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Alzheimer’s, and Migraines. Alternative healing therapies and demos.
Session 3: Healing Spirit: How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop.
AT Sarah Spiritual’s Expedito Enlightenment Center,
at 4047 Okeechobee Blvd. (#129), West Palm Beach, FL 33409
From 12:00 to 5:00pm
Join Us and a number of other psychics and healers for an extraordinary event!
Mary Dr. Dave will be there to discuss their books: Divinely Touched and Holistic Mental Health. Mary will be available to do mini Reconnective- Divine Energy Healings (15 min. for $20.00).
Monday Feb. 05, 2018 – 6:30 to 8:00 pm – Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & It’s Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary chronicles her healing journey through the Metaphysical World. Dr. Dave documents; How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! $20.00pp AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
Monday Feb. 19, 2018 – 6:30 to 8:00 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00 pp. AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
Sunday APRIL 8, 2018, 1:00 pm: Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & It’s Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary chronicles her healing journey through the Metaphysical World. Dr. Dave documents; How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! (Love Offering to Unity accepted) AT: Unity of The Gardens, 550 Bush Rd., Jupiter, FL
Sunday Aug. 12, 2018 – 6:30 to 7:30 pm Connecting with YOUR Divine Signs!
Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop.
At the Chapel of Eternal Life, 823 North A St., Lake Worth, FL (Quaker House). Love offerings accepted. Pot Luck dinner following the Spiritualist Church service!
AT Sarah Spiritual’s Expedito Enlightenment Center,
at 4047 Okeechobee Blvd. (#129), West Palm Beach, FL 33409
From 12:00 to 5:00pm
Join Us and a number of other psychics and healers for an extraordinary event!
Mary Dr. Dave will be there to discuss their books: Divinely Touched and Holistic Mental Health. Mary will be available to do mini Reconnective- Divine Energy Healings (15 min. for $15.00).
Monday December 3rd 2018 – 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Connecting with YOUR Divine Signs ~ How to be More Psychic!!!
Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies and become more psychic!!!.
Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop.
At the Placido Mar Condos, Activity Room, 5200 North Flagler Dr., West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Pot Luck dinner before the workshop hosted by HEARTSPACE ! $5.00 donation pp (w/0 a food donation)
Science Meets Spirituality Movie & Seminar! Showing of The Connected Universe movie narrated by Patrick Steward featuring the work of Nassim Haramein, and brief discussion of how we are connected with energies all around us including how the spirit dimension influences our life by Mary & Dr. Dave. Mary will also give mini- Energy Healing demos. $20.00 pp. at Jamar’s Enlightenment Center, 4595Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Fl call 561-630-2280 for reservations
Digits Wellness Spa & Salon
2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 209, West Palm Beach:
Meditation Class & Healing Circle: Every Monday!
on 1/9/17; and on: 1/16, 1/23, 1/30 7:00 to 8:00pm
Dr. Dave, certified psychologist and hypnotherapist will discuss different types of meditation, and conduct a guided meditation with the class. Learn how meditation can change your life! Mary, certified Energy Healer will discuss different healing modalities, give individual healing demos and conduct a clearing meditation. See why Mary’s healings have been called “miraculous!” Love offerings accepted. Digits Wellness Spa & Salon 2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 209, West Palm Beach.
Tues. 1/10/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm – Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering accepted.
Tues. 1/17/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, and how to connect to them! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering accepted.
Tues. 1/24/17 Healing Body & Mind 7:00 to 8:00pm . Dr. Dave will discuss why we are losing the “War on Cancer,” cures, guides to optimal health and excepts from his book Holistic Mental Health on alternative treatments for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. Mary will also give a mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering.
Wed. 1/25/17 Weight Loss through Hypnotherapy! 7:00-8:30pm. Start the New Year off right by re-programming your sub-conscious. Dr. Dave will help you change your life! Attendees also receive a Hypnotherapy Weight-Loss CD for continual reinforcement. Space is limited call for res. $20.00 pp . Dr. Dave at 401-323-6934
Fri. 1/27/17 7:00 to 9:00pm Science Meets Spirituality Movie & Seminar! Showing of The Connected Universe movie narrated by Patrick Steward featuring the work of Nassim Haramein, and brief discussion of how we are connected with energies all around us including how the spirit diminsion influences our life by Mary & Dr. Dave. Mary will also give mini- Energy Healing demos. $15.00 pp.
Tues. 1/31/17 – 7:00-8:00 pm – Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health and how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering.
February 2017 Events:
Meditation Class & Healing Circle!: Learn how to and have Dr. Dave take you through guided meditations and get a demo of Mary’s amazing Reconnective Energy Healing! On Mondays 7:00 to 8:00 pm: 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/17. Love offerings accepted.
Tues. 2/07/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering accepted.
Wed. 2/15/17 – 7:00-8:00 pm Past Life Regression Workshop! Ever wonder who you were or when you lived in a past life? Let Dr. Dave, certified hypnotherapist, take you on a guided journey to a past life! Participants will also receive a CD of this past life regression session! $15.00 pp (includes CD) call for reservation (required) seating is limited!
Friday 2/17/17 – 6:30-8:00 pm Light Therapy Workshop & Demo! Learn how Light Therapy can revitalize & heal! Special seminar using special LED lights proven to enhance cellular metabolism, increase circulation, reduce inflammation, rejuvenate skin, & relieve pain. Get a Free Demo of this amazing technology!
Tues. 2/21/17 – 7:00-8:00 pm Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health and how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering.
Wed. 2/22/17 7:00 to 9:00pm Science Meets Spirituality Movie & Seminar! Showing of The Connected Universe movie narrated by Patrick Stewart featuring the work of Nassim Haramein, and brief discussion of how we are connected with energies all around us including how the spirit dimension influences our life by film’s producer Rev. Jeffree. $10.00 pp.
Tues. 2/28/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, and how to connect to them! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 or love offering accepted.
March Events !
Monday, 3/6/17 & 3/20/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm – Meditation Class with Dr. Dave. Dr. Dave certified hypnotherapist and psychologist will discuss different types of meditation and take the class through a Mindful meditation and a guided/ visualization meditation! We don’t “just sit in silence!” $10.00 pp.
Tues. 3/07/17 – 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Divine Healing Sessions with Mary! Mary who is experienced in several forms of energy healing such as Reiki, Reflexology, Reconnective Healing and Divine Energy Healing, will conduct private mini-energy healing sessions. See why psychics and shamans all over the U.S. have stated that her healing energy is more powerful than John of God’s! Reservations REQUIRED; $20.00 per 20 min. session.
Tues. 3/14/17 Healing Body & Mind 7:00 to 8:00pm . Dr. Dave will discuss why we are losing the “War on Cancer,” and natural cures for cancer, and keys to optimal health; and excepts from his book Holistic Mental Health on alternative treatments for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. Mary will also give a mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 pp.
Wed. 3/15/17 – Weight Loss through Hypnotherapy! 7:00-8:30pm. New Year’s resolutions wearing off? Get back on track by re-programming your sub-conscious. Dr. Dave, certified hypnotherapist and psychologist will help you change your life! Attendees also receive a Hypnotherapy Weight-Loss CD for continual reinforcement. Space is limited call for reservations REQUIRED $20.00pp.
Tues. 3/21/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm – Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life!
Tues. 3/28/17 – 7:00-8:00 pm – Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health and how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 pp.
Friday 3/31/17 at 6:30 Science Meets Spirituality Movie & Seminar! Showing of The Connected Universe movie narrated by Patrick Steward featuring the work of Nassim Haramein, and brief discussion of how we are connected with energies all around us including how the spirit dimension influences our life by Mary & Dr. Dave. Mary will also give mini- Energy Healing sessions. Unity in the Gardens, Jupiter, Fl.
APRIL Events !
Wed. 4/05/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, and how to connect to them! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. SPECIAL LOCATION AT: Jamar’s Enlightenment Center. 4595 Northlake Blvd. PBG call: 561-630-2280
Friday 4/7/17 at 7:00 pm PROOF the Spirit Dimension Exists!
Friday -April 28, 7:00 to 8pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, and how to connect to them! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $15.00 pp.
at The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy #2, Oakland Park, Fl 954-696-6389
Digits Wellness Spa & Salon
2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 209, West Palm Beach.
Wed. 4/12/17 – Healing Body & Mind 7:00 to 8:00pm . Dr. Dave will discuss why we are losing the “War on Cancer,” and natural cures for cancer, and keys to optimal health; and excepts from his book Holistic Mental Health on alternative treatments for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. Mary will also give a mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 pp.
Wed. 4/19/17 – 7:00 to 8:00 pm – Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! $10.00 pp.
Wed. 4/26/17 – 7:00-8:00 pm – Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health and how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 pp.
Thursday May 11, 2017 7:00 pm
AT: Jamar’s Enlightenment Center. 4595 Northlake Blvd. PBG call: 561-630-2280
Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & Its Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary will discuss her Metaphysical journey. Dr. Dave will present documentation on how science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body experiences, Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! $20.00 pp in advance.
Friday May 19 at 7:00 pm
at: The Center for Inner Wisdom,
4849 N. Dixie Hwy #2, Oakland Park, Fl 954-696-6389
Healing Body, Mind & Spirit! 7:00 to 9:00pm . Dr. Dave & Mary will discuss why we are losing the “War on Cancer,” and natural cures for cancer, and keys to optimal health; and excepts from his book Holistic Mental Health on alternative treatments for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. Proof consciousness can exist outside the body; discussion on history of NDE’s, Reincarnation and the Spirit Dimension’s influence on our life. How Divine signs are all around us. Mary will also give a mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00 pp.
Tuesday May 30 at 7:30 pm
at: The Center for Inner Wisdom,
4849 N. Dixie Hwy #2, Oakland Park, Fl 954-696-6389
Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health and how to clear negative energies around yourself! In their presentation they will discuss the history and symptoms of Entity Possession and why entities are attracted to individuals and ways to clear negative energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00 pp.
August 2017 Events !
Wed. 8/09/17 – 7:00-8:30 pm – Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health documenting the history of Entity Possession and symptoms. Mary will give specifics on how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00pp in advance. AT: JAMAR’s Enlightenment Center. 4595 Northlake Blvd. PBG call for reservations: 561-630-2280
Tuesday 8/15/17 – 7:30 to 9:00 pm – Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & It’s Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary chronicles her healing journey through the Metaphysical World. Dr. Dave documents; How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! $20.00pp AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
Fri. 8/25/17 – 7:30- 9:00 pm – Entity Possession: History, Symptoms, & Solutions! Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on the spirit dimension’s influence on our physical and mental health documenting the history of Entity Possession and symptoms. Mary will give specifics on how to clear negative energies around yourself! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00pp in advance. AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
Sat. 8/26/17 12:00 to 4:00 pm Special Mini-Healing Sessions with Mary! Come experience the difference! Find out why shamans and psychics around the country have stated that Mary’s unique healing energy is out of this world!!! Special discount of $40.00/ half-hour (reg. $55.00). By appointment only! AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
September – October 2017
Sun. Sept. 3, 6:30 ~ Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & It’s Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary chronicles her healing journey through the Metaphysical World. Dr. Dave documents; How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Chapel of Eternal Life, 823 North A St., Lake Worth, FL (Quaker House). Love offerings accepted. Pot Luck dinner following the Spiritualist Church service!
Mon. Sept. 18, 2017 – 7:00 to 8:30 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00 pp. AT: The Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N. Dixie Hwy., Oakland, Fl call 954-696-6389.
Wed. Oct. 18, 2017 – 7:00 to 8:30 pm Connecting with Divine Signs! Mary & Dr. Dave discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched on how to see all types of signs around you, what they mean, why they are increasing, and how to connect to them! Their power-point presentation includes animal signs, number signs, divination, physical, and non-physical signs and how to connect with ‘Divine’ energies. Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/Clearing at the end of the workshop. $20.00 pp. AT: JAMAR’s Enlightenment Center. 4595 Northlake Blvd. PBG call for reservations: 561-630-2280
Monday Oct. 23, 7:00 ~ Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists & It’s Influence on Our Life! Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched. Mary chronicles her healing journey through the Metaphysical World. Dr. Dave documents; How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Special Heartspace Meet-up at 8647 Club Estates Way, Lake Worth, FL. $5.00 donation to Heartspace. Pot Luck dinner before seminar!
Monday Oct. 10, 7:00 to 8:30pm
Healing Spirit: Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists.
Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book, Divinely Touched. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00pp/ session or Love offering accepted.
Mary & Dr. Dave Present:
“Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists, & It’s Influence on Our Lives”
& Rev. Jeffree Colebrook Delegate of
The Resonance Science Foundation
Discussion and preview of the Connected Universe Movie!
October 22nd 6:00 – 8:00 PM at
Unity Church
300 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY
$25 at door $15 advanced but all are welcome!
To pre-register: www.unitysyracuse.org
“Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists &
It’s Influence on Our Lives”
Tuesday Nov. 15, 7:00 to 8:30pm
Join Mary & Dr. Dave as they discuss excepts from their book Divinely Touched: Transform Your Life. How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life. Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension. How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life! Mary will also give a FREE mini-Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop. $10.00pp/ session or love offering accepted. Digits Wellness Spa & Salon 2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 209, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 see: www.divinelytouched.com
Mary & Dr. Dave will be Featured Speakers
& have a booth at the
Victory of Light Expo
November 19 & 20, 2016ville Convention Center
Sharonville Convention Center
11355 Chester Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45246
10:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday
“Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists, & It’s Influence on Our Lives!unday
Thurs. 5/12 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Healing Body, Mind & Spirit (pt. 1) FREE Seminar. Dr. Dave will discuss why we are losing the “War on Cancer,” cures, and alternatives for mental disorders. At Tunies Natural Grocery, 7170 Fairway Dr., PBG. 561-721-8787.
Thurs. 6/2 6:00-7:00 pm
Healing Body, Mind & Spirit (pt. 2) FREE Seminar. Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss the spirit dimension’s influence on our health and how to connect with divine signs all around us! At Tunies Natural Grocery, 7170 Fairway Dr., PBG. 561-721-8787.
Saturday 4/16 at 12:00 & Sunday 4/17/16 at 5:00 pm:
Palm Beach Convention Center, West Palm Beach, FL
PROOF the Spirit Dimension Exists!!!”
During their power-point presentation Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss:
How science can explain unseen phenomenon. The development of science and the scientific theory.
How Quantum Theory supports psychic phenomenon.
How conscious thought is energy and how conscious energy can leave the body.
Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as: Out-of-Body experiences, Near-Death-Experiences, Astral projection, and reincarnation.
How conscious energy, energy healing, chakras and acupuncture are all related.
How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs
Mary will conduct mini-energy healing demos as well and books will be available at their Expo booth.
Dr. Dave will be discussing “Proof Reincarnation Exists”
go to: www.voiceamerica.com > 7th Wave > Dr. Paula Joyce Show
on Tom Santos’ Books and Things TV show !
as we discuss
Proof the Spirit Dimension is Real!
The show will air at 9PM tonight on Comcast and TVC, channel 12. If you don’t have these TV providers, don’t despair, it will be available on YouTube.com
Links for the shows: Part I Mary’s Story:
Part 2: Dr. Dave & Scientific Proof!:
Join us on Voice America Talk Radio!
on the
Dr. Paula Joyce Show: Uplift Your Life, Nourishment of the Spirit
Mary will be interviewed on “Her Journey” on
Thursday June 25, 2015 11:00 am EST.
and Dr. Dave on “Conscious Awakening: Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists” on
Thursday July 2, 2015 at 11:00 am EST.
go to: www.voiceamerica.com > 7th Wave > Dr. Paula Joyce Show
Join us for a Trip of a LIFETIME!
Cruise to The HOLYLAND
with Dr. Wayne Dyer!
via Italy, Greece & Turkey!!!
October 3rd to 17th, 2015 see:
for trip details!
Join us in Florida!
on: Wed. Feb. 18, 2015
1211 Hilcrest St. Orlando, Fl; 407-895-7439
6-7:00 pm for Book signing and Q & A, 7:00 pm Workshop!
and on
Friday Feb. 20, 2015
IONS Monthly meeting; 7:00 pm
at: 1 Golfview Dr., Sugarmill Woods, Homosassa, FL
Patricia: 352-382-5863
“Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening:
PROOF the Spirit Dimension Exists!”
During their power-point presentation Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss:
How science can explain unseen phenomenon. The development of science and the scientific theory.
How Quantum Theory supports psychic phenomenon.
How conscious thought is energy and how conscious energy can leave the body.
Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as: Out-of-Body experiences, Near-Death-Experiences, Astral projection, and reincarnation.
How conscious energy, energy healing, chakras and acupuncture are all related.
How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs
Mary will conduct mini-energy healing demos as well.
Concordia’s Parenting 202 Presents:
Dr. Dave DiSano
Sunday December 7th, 2014 11:30 to 12:30
In Fellowship Hall, Concordia Church, 292 West Shore Rd., Warwick, RI
During his power-point presentation Dr. Dave will discuss research, from his book Holistic Mental Health-Revised on:
- A brief history of the development of allopathic medicine; the safety of prescription meds. vs. alternative treatments.
- The controversy of ADHD and Alternative treatments for ADHD other than prescription meds.
- Creating a positive home environment for children.
- Positive incentive-behavior programs for children.
ON: Wednesday Sept. 24th; 6:30 to 8:00 pm:
HEALING: Body, Mind & Spirit!
During their power-point presentation Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss research, data and personal experience on:
What is making us sick: Why we are losing the “War on Cancer.”
Natural cures for chronic and “incurable” disease (including cancer).
Research on alternatives for mental disorders.
How science can explain & prove unseen phenomenon; How the Spirit dimension affects our life.
Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as Out-of-Body exp., Astral projection, Reincarnation, Entity Possession & The Spirit Dimension.
The physical and mental symptoms of Entity Possession, & Ways to clear negative energy from entities.
How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs; and can lead us to our Divine purpose in life!
Mary will also give a FREE mini Healing/ Clearing at the end of the workshop.
Positive New Beginnings
877 Broadway, East Providence, RI 401-432-7195
(Register in advance; space is limited! $10.00 pp)
ON: Tuesday October 14; 6:30 to 7:30:
ENTITY POSSESSION: History, Symptoms & Solutions!
Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss the historical data, current research and personal experience in a power-point presentation, discussing:
The historical data and current research on Entity Possession.
The physical and mental symptoms of Entity Possession.
Ways to clear negative energy from entities.
Mary will conduct a clearing prayer at the conclusion of the workshop.
Positive New Beginnings
877 Broadway, East Providence, RI 401-432-7195
(Register in advance; space is limited! $10.00 pp)
On Saturday October 18: A MYSTICAL AFFAIR 11:00am to 10pm!
at The Knights of Columbus Hall,
7 Valley Rd., Middletown, RI
201 Wayland Avenue, Providence, RI 02906 ~ 401-274-9330
“Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening:
Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists!”
Saturday May 17, 2014 1:00-3:00 pm
During their power-point presentation Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss:
How science can explain unseen phenomenon. The development of science and the scientific theory.
How Quantum Theory supports psychic phenomenon.
How conscious thought is energy and how conscious energy can leave the body.
Scientific evidence of psychic phenomena such as: Out-of-Body experiences, Near-Death-Experiences, Astral projection, and reincarnation.
How conscious energy, energy healing, chakras and acupuncture are all related.
How Divine energies are all around and us give messages and signs
Mary will conduct mini-energy healing demos as well.
On; Saturday May 17 ~ 10:00 to 12:00pm
Hypnotherapy for WEIGHT LOSS!
with Dr. Dave Includes a CD of the session!
On; Saturday May 31 & June 7, 2014; (two session workshop) ~ 1:00 to 3:00pm
~ An Interactive 2-session workshop where attendees will learn how to: take control of their life by managing & reprogramming their thoughts; overcoming mental and physical illness. We will discuss causes of physical illness such as cancer (and CURES) and specific alternatives for mental disorders such as; Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD; connecting to Divine Signs, and other causes for mental & physical illness such as Entity Possession, & how to protect oneself; Attendees will receive a clearing/healing prayer from Mary. Attendees will also receive a Hypnotherapy CD to reprogram a specific issue; resources, & a free mini-healing (from Mary) that may change their lives!
On; Sunday March 23 10:00 ~ 5:00pm
at RI Holistic Association’s Southern New England Holistic Living and Wellness Expo
Crowne Plaza Hotel
801 Greenwich Ave. Warwick, RI 02886
“Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening: Proof the Spirit Dimension Exists!”
Tuesday September 24, 2013 6:30pm
Positive New Beginnings
877 Broadway, East Providence, RI 401-432-7195
(Register in advance; space is limited!)
“Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening”
Join us on the Sherrie Dillard Show
3:00 est. Sept. 12, 2013
on Transformation Talk Radio; WBLQ 1230 am or
Sat. Sept. 28th 10:00 to 12:00
for Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening &
Entity Possession: History, Symptoms & Solutions
and Individual Healing Sessions by Mary (12:00-5:00pm)
Gossamer Wood LLC Healing Retreat Center
2235 County Rd., #28, Canandaigua, NY 585-394-9114
Thursday October 10, 2013, 6:30pm
Positive New Beginnings
877 Broadway, East Providence, RI 401-432-7195
(Register in advance; space is limited!)
“Entity Possession: History, Symptoms & Solutions”
Sunday October 20, 2013, 11:00am ~12:00 noon
CONCORDIA Center for Spiritual Living
292 West Shore Rd. Warwick, RI 401-732-1552
“Transform Your Life Through Conscious Awakening”
Sunday NOVEMBER 3, 2013; 10:00 am to 5:00pm
1850 POST RD., WARWICK, RI 02886
Join Mary & Dr. Dave for book signing &
Mary Will be conducting Mini-Reconnective Healing Session
On: Wed. July 24th, 2013 7:00pm
at: Breathe Books,
810 West 36th St. Baltimore, MD, 410-235-7323
Friday July 26th, 2013 7:00 pm
at: The Edgar Cayce Institute A.R.E.,
215 67th st., Virginia Beach, VA: 800-333-4499
Mary will be a Guest on
The Awakening Talk Show May 5th, 2013; at 2:00pm EST
see www.transformationtalkradio.com
to hear it archived!
At Sisters of Solace
700 American Legion Hwy, Westport, MA 508-636-4668
Workshop Schedule of Events:
12:00 to 1:00 ~ How Consciousness Can Exist Outside the Body ~ By Mary & Dr. Dave
1:00 to 1:30 ~ Spiritual/Entity Protection ~ by Mary, Grace, & Alanna
1:30 to 2:00 ~ Connecting to Spirit ~ by Mary, Grace & Alanna
2:00 to 3:00 ~ Past Life Regression ~ by Dr. Dave
2:00 to 3:00 ~ Individual Healing Sessions ~ by Mary, Grace & Alanna
3:00 to 4:00 ~ Connecting with Divine Signs Rise in Global Consciousness Panel ~ by Mary, Grace, Alanna & Dr. Dave
Admission: $25.55 pp at the door
Admission includes all the above workshops, an individual mini-healing session, and a CD of the past Life Regression session (a total value of $240.00).
Program Facilitators:
Wednesday November 7, 2012, at 7:00 pm
Positive New Beginnings
877 Broadway, East Providence, RI 401-432-7195
($10.00 donation)
“Connecting with Your Divine Signs”
During their power-point presentation Mary & Dr. Dave will discuss:
How science can explain psychic phenomenon
Types of Divine signs such as; Physical, Nonphysical, Media, Animal and Numerical
How to “call for Divine Signs”
Examples of using your body’s wisdom to call for signs
How Divination and body kinesiology can give you signs
Why we are led to Divine signs and why we make Divine connections.
Mary “Divine” & Dr. Dave are also available for
Workshops and Seminars!
Topics Can include:
Mary’s healing Journey & Spiritual Awakening
Energy Healing, New Age and Science connections
Seeing Divine Signs; Connecting with Your Guides
The Evolution of Consciousness: OBE, NDE’s and Reincarnation
Entity Removal and Protection
For bookings and to learn how you can host a life changing and healing event call or e-mail us.